MMPC 009 - Types of Production Systems

 Mass Production System (Flow line or Continuous Flow Production System) - Manufacturing of large quantities of standardized products, often using assembly lines or automation technology. Eg. Canned foods

Advantages -

  • Uniform quality of output
  • Automated control of time and labor
  • Reduced overhead costs
  • Quick return on capital

Disadvantages -

  • Limited variety
  • High startup and fixed cost
  • A block in any one stage will jam the whole system.

Batch Production System - Producing a group of identical goods simultaneously in batches. eg. ICs, bread, car parts etc.

Advantages -

  • Large variety of products can be manufactured
  • Comparatively low capital investment required.

Disadvantages -

High inventory and storage requirements as well as idle time between batches

Job Shop Production System - Manufacturing small batches of a variety of custom products. Eg. limited edition items, commercial printing press etc.

Advantages -

  • Comparatively small startup investment
  • Flexible production system

Disadvantages -

  • Complex production process
  • High Work in progress Inventory

Unit Manufacturing/ Projects: Manufacturing or fulfilling a single project or "endeavor" having a specific objective within a prescribed time with cost limitations. Eg. a housing project, building a ship etc.

Characteristics -

  • Definite start and end times
  • Needs diverse set of skills and resources for completion
  • Project passes through distinct activities
  • May not be exactly replicable.

These notes are intended to give you a quick summary and recap of various types of production systems and help you answer questions such as -

  1. Describe the various types of production system with appropriate examples.
